Exchange In A Box
End-to-End exchange ecosystem for regulated and digital securities markets
A fully-compliant, end-to-end exchange platform covering asset creation, primary and secondary markets, risk, and central counterparty clearing functionality.

Enterprise-grade trading, risk & clearing solution for regulated markets – deployable in unprecedented time
◗ SaaS
Experience complete operational efficiency without the costs of maintaining aging infrastructure and legacy software.
◗ Cloud / on-prem / bare metal
Employ and deploy new asset types with optimised speed and cost. Capture new opportunities at your own pace. Not ready for cloud? Simply run our SaaS on dedicated servers and migrate later.
◗ Extensive Partner Ecosystem
We’ve cherry-picked our partners, vendors and technology providers to enable the scalable deployment of flexible, modular exchange ecosystems.
Features & Benefits
◗ Asset Creation
Generate new assets and cater to target market demands.
◗ Matching Engine
Match, buy and sell orders efficiently, optimising liquidity and improving trading experiences, facilitating both a primary and secondary market.
◗ Trading application and APIs
Get trading Application access to markets and efficient low-latency APIs.
◗ Risk
Enhance risk management practices, proactively identify potential vulnerabilities, and take appropriate measures to protect trading operations.
◗ Clearing
Enjoy prompt settlement and risk mitigation via fully comprehensive, streamlined clearing.
◗ Market Surveillance
Systematic and continuous monitoring of trading activities and market behaviors to ensure fair, transparent and efficient trading operations.
API-first approach Integrate seamlessly and easily with any ecosystem

All market types

- Stock Exchanges
- Derivatives Exchanges
- Commodities Markets
- Bond Markets
- Digital Securities
- Alternative Trading Systems
- MTFs and OTFs
Use Case
A national stock exchange offering equity markets, futures on equities, indexes and a handful of commodities, corporate and government bonds are today operating no less than three separate matching engines and an isolated system for IPOs and primary market processes before a security is admitted for trading in the secondary market.
Maintenance and operational costs are very high, and at any given time at least one of the systems are going through an expensive upgrade and enhancement process to be on a later version, upgrade the hardware, or introduce some new functionality to the exchange participants.
The change management process is very slow and the cost of implementing new ideas usually slows down or even prevents the introduction of services the market, the exchange board and national politicians all agree would benefit the local economy and capital markets function.
The Exchange decided to review options to see if there is a simpler solution that would allow them to constantly be on the latest versions, quickly introduce new services and ideally run all markets in the same system, possibly deployed in a few instances to reduce operational risk.
After an extensive market research, Exberry was the selected service provider.
Through its innovative and robust Software as a Service, a fit for purpose exchange platform was launched in a few months mapping in detail to the Exchange and regulator requirements.
The equity market remains installed on local hardware, and all other markets, where access latency is less sensitive, has been moved to a local cloud provider. The actual market migration was done step by step, avoiding a big bang launch and a gradual decommission of existing infrastructure. This reduces the implementation burden on banks and brokers, and de-risks the launch of the new system.The result is vastly reduced cost of ownership, and greatly reduced barrier to changes and introductions of new services. The net result is a better functioning capital market benefiting the national economy, and improved profitability for the exchange.
Latest insights and news

Blog Series: “Foundations of Trading: The Evolution of Market Infrastructure” part 3
The evolution of trading infrastructure stands at a pivotal moment. Our journey through market history, from ancient bazaars to electronic platforms, demonstrates how fundamental principles of reliable trading endure.

Blog Series: “Foundations of Trading: The Evolution of Market Infrastructure” part 2
The digital transformation of markets demonstrates how technology can revolutionise centuries-old trading practices while preserving their core principles.

Blog Series: “Foundations of Trading: The Evolution of Market Infrastructure”
The evolution of trading infrastructure represents one of humanity’s most significant achievements in economic organisation. From ancient marketplaces to today’s sophisticated exchanges, the development of trading systems has consistently driven economic growth and innovation.