The Evolution of Exchange Data: Transforming Big Data into Relevant Insights
By Guy Melamed, Co-Founder and CEO, Exberry
This decade marks a groundbreaking period in financial markets. Annual data generation is now exceeding all information created throughout human history. How can this exponential growth in data be harnessed to serve the interests of financial exchanges?
In today’s financial markets, data serves two vital roles. First, it underpins market integrity, without which a platform cannot function. Second, data enables exchanges to differentiate themselves, demonstrate the value of their market models and allow them to serve customers directly rather than relying on traditional aggregators and vendors.
Please see the entire article here.

Blog Series: “Foundations of Trading: The Evolution of Market Infrastructure”
The evolution of trading infrastructure represents one of humanity’s most significant achievements in economic organisation. From ancient marketplaces to today’s sophisticated exchanges, the development of trading systems has consistently driven economic growth and innovation.

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